February 22, 2014

Time tracking utility - doTimeTracker CLI 0.2

Today I made visible my BitBucket repository with odTimeTracker CLI. It's a Linux command line utility for tracking time that you spent working on various tasks. Is written in Vala and is a part of bigger solution for dealing with common office tasks for the freelancers as am I. I will explain this a little bit more very soon.

There are some screenshots:

More screenshots can be found in this web album.

February 20, 2014

Simple Carousel

I was working on one web when I needed simple carousel - I have simple requirements:
  • based on jQuery (since I'm using it on that site)
  • really, really small footprint
  • allow multiple carousels on one page
I spent some time with searching but I found nothing what I like so I made mine. The code is really simple and works just fine - you can see for yourself on jsFiddle.

If you want you can download it: